Friday, August 18, 2023

Interesting facts about Annamaya Kosha

healthy living, food, exercise, sleep, fasting, detoxing

Annamaya kosha is the outermost layer of our body i.e., our bones, muscles, skin, etc. which states our physical body. As we understood in earlier blogs all koshas are interconnected to each other which completes us which we called Atman.

This is the first step towards healthy physical and mental wisdom. The food we eat from which we get nutrition, exercises that give us physical strength, sleep from which our physical body remains healthy for a long time and cleansing rituals like fasting or detoxing all come under Annamaya kosha which leads to a healthy physical body.

One by one we will all get to know about the techniques and by sharing experiences you will find a solution or at least give a little idea that helps to get out of the situation.         

  • Healthy food

Healthy food is always misinterpreted as the specific foods which are easily digested or give nutrition to the body at maximum level. Although this is not the only way to healthy food. We already know all healthy foods and the different types of nutrition you get from the specific food but in this blog, you will get another side of healthy food.

There are broadly more ways to make your food even more healthy,


  • Physical ­– where one realizes the taste and importance of food
  • Subtle – where the importance and effect of food is felt
  • Causal – in which the mental impressions (or samskaras) of food are preserved.

 We can see in detail, how it works for our healthy food.


  •   Exercise

Nowadays there are more and more articles and blogs on different types of exercises. But we must choose the exercises which suit our own body. As per ancient techniques, our body exercise is the best exercise and with same we do not require so much of investment of money.

Yoga is the best practice for all kinds of bodies considering some specific techniques and types of Yogas.  

One by one I will let you know the best practices and techniques of the exercises and choose amongst them whichever suits your body and routine too.

  •  Sleep

Sleep is the most underrated factor in our healthy living. Nowadays uninterrupted sleep for 7-8 hours is very much alarming for us.

As the picture shows, we need to sleep like kids, with no fear, no stress and no overthinking which is just a dream for adults. In subsequent blogs, we will go through it broadly about ways and solutions for good sleep.

  • ·         Cleansing rituals

Cleansing rituals are very much a traditional way of approaching a healthy body. It includes intermediate fasting or complete fasting, and detoxing. Nowadays too much research going on this topic for more and more benefits. We will share the ways and facts about it too.


Incorporating practices like mindful eating, yoga, and meditation can help us cultivate a deeper awareness of our Annamaya Kosha and its reflective influence on our overall well-being.

The journey inward, through the successive Koshas—Pranamaya, Manomaya, Vijnanamaya, and Anandamaya—invites us to explore the many-sided aspects of our consciousness.



Author & Editor

possesses a unique writing style that is both inspiring and accessible. The prose is imbued with empathy, authenticity, and a genuine desire to uplift and empower readers.


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